In order to investigate one of the red bursts, Captain Christopher Pike authorized the use of the drive to travel 51,450 light years to the planet Terralysium, believing the crisis worthy of special dispensation. ( DIS: " Into the Forest I Go")įollowing the conclusion of the war in 2257, Starfleet decommissioned the drive until a non-Human interface could be developed. The Discovery used this technique to return to the planet Pahvo, going from warp five to a complete stop in the process. It was possible to use the spore drive even while a ship was traveling at warp speed. All Federation ships, starbases, and colonies were placed on alert to search for more tardigrades. Production of the drive was begun at a classified Starfleet facility in Jefferson, Iowa on Earth. ( DIS: " Context Is for Kings")Īfter the Discovery's first successful jump using the tardigrade, Stamets transmitted the drive schematics to Starfleet. The subject quickly cycled through a number of planetary destinations. ( DIS: " Context Is for Kings", " The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry")Ī demonstration of what was possible with the technology at this point in the war included putting someone in a test chamber with spores, and allowing them to see where the spores had been and were going to. The Glenn was later scuttled, though Ripper was beamed to Discovery and secured within that ship's own spore drive assembly. ( DIS: " Context Is for Kings", " The Butcher's Knife Cares Not for the Lamb's Cry") However, soon after, the crew of the Glenn hit a Hawking radiation firewall while exiting the mycelial plane, causing the death of its crew. The Glenn managed to travel back and forth into the Beta Quadrant, a ninety light year jump, in 1.3 seconds. Emboldened by the breakthrough, Straal reported that he was going to attempt Speirin 900, even though Stamets was concerned about the feasibility and safety of such a massive displacement. These abilities resulted in its function as a sort of "navigator" for the Glenn. The fact that they did not grow their own spores somehow resulted in the acquisition of " Ripper", an alien creature resembling an Earth tardigrade that lived in some kind of symbiosis with the spores and was capable of communicating with them, as well as utilizing the mycelial network. However, its sister ship Glenn made a breakthrough and achieved Speirin 240. This was considered a poor result by Discovery captain Gabriel Lorca. Some six months after the start of the war, the Discovery had reached Speirin 12 and leaps measured in the hundreds of kilometers. The two ships lacked the processing power to make the requisite number of calculations, and so long jumps resulted in navigational instability. Jumping was probabilistic, meaning that the longer the jump, the more possible outcomes there were.

Key to the research was to increase the interval, which was expressed in Speirin, higher Speirins being associated with large displacement. Containment of the spores was important to prevent accidents. These jumps were associated with the ship's walls becoming damp.

The Discovery also contained a large cultivation bay.īy late 2256, six months after the start of the war, both ships were conducting " black alert" maneuvers, in which they made jumps across the mycelial network. The two scientists were split up and given two different teams on different vessels – the USS Discovery and the USS Glenn – so they could work twice as fast. Initially confined to a lab, following the outbreak of war with the Klingons, Starfleet co-opted the research for military applications, much to the displeasure of Stamets. The USS Discovery helm with spore drive activation control
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